Portfolio management services, or PMS, is a buzzing word amongst the investor’s community. But before we discuss the whole thing and figure it out,  

Let’s discuss Arjun, a software engineer who inherited his family’s wealth and earns a decent salary. Arjun is an investing-savvy person.  

Arjun, as an investing savvy person, started investments and built a good amount of portfolio. But after doing this routine with investments and jobs, after exactly 4 years he got promoted as a head, and now his schedule became so tight. All day he needs to take meetings, going home tired and having no time left for him to manage his side hustles.  

He realized his mental condition and felt like he needed some break from his tight schedules. So he took leave and went on a vacation to Manali.  

Away from the office chaos, surrounded by mountains and peace, he had the time to reflect on his life. While sipping a cup of tea, it hit him—his investments had been taking a back seat since his promotion.  

Sure, he had built a solid portfolio over the years, but with his current workload, keeping up with market trends, analyzing stocks, and managing his investments was becoming impossible.  

Arjun thought to himself, “I’ve worked hard for this money, but I don’t have the time or energy to grow it further. There must be a better way.”  

That’s when he remembered his colleague mentioning Portfolio Management Services (PMS)—a professional investment service where experts take over your portfolio, managing it actively while you focus on your life and career.  

Then he started inquiring about the Portfolio Management services (PMS).  

He started with what is Portfolio Management Services (PMS) ?: Portfolio Management services is a professional investment service where a qualified portfolio manager or team of experts manages your investments on your behalf. 

But, why we should go for Portfolio Management Services (PMS)? What are the key features of Portfolio Management Services (PMS)?  

  1. Tailored Investment Strategy: Portfolio Management Services creates a personalized investment plan based on your financial goals, requirements, risk tolerance and investment horizon.  

It is very important because not everyone will have the same kind of goals and dreams. It keeps on changing from person to person. One wants to make 10 crores, and one wants to buy a luxury car. So, we need a tailored investment strategy.  

Portfolio Management services will help you to achieve those financial goals.  

  1. Active Portfolio Management: Managing portfolio actively is an important task, because investment is all about being in the right time and reacting to the market on time  

Let’s say you have invested some good amount in a stock, but if you had no time to track the events related to that particular stock and if you are not reacting to the stock, it is a missed opportunity.  

But this can be eliminated by Portfolio Management Services (PMS), because they actively focus on tracking the stocks that they invest in.  

From buying the stocks and selling them, Portfolio Managers will take care of it.  

Active Management of the portfolio will help you in building the great wealth over the time.  

  1. Diverse Investments: When it comes to growing your wealth, putting all your eggs in one basket, like all the money in stocks, is not just risky but dangrous as it is highly volatile.  

One of the most powerful advantages of PMS is diversification—a smart strategy that reduces risk and increases your chances of long-term success. 

They will invest in stocks, bonds, debt, mutual funds and other financial assets as well.  

Diversification is an important strategy while building your portfolio as it will reduce the risks of losing money.  

And not just that, Markets are unpredictable – what’s going to boom or burst in the future is unpredictable, So, instead of investing in stocks alone, diversifying amongst other assets will reduce risks and keeps your portfolio steady. 

  1. Expertise: Investing is not just about picking stocks or bonds, it’s about making the right decisions at the right time. With our daily lives demanding so much of our attention, keeping up with market movements, new opportunities, and risks can feel overwhelming. 

 This is where the true magic of PMS comes into play: you’re not just handing over your money, you’re partnering with experts

When you sign up for Portfolio Management Services (PMS) with any such PMS company like @savart you get access to professionals who have seen all the ups and downs in terms of managing money. They analyze the market daily to spot trends, opportunities, and risks you might miss.  

They also rebalance your portfolio regularly and make sure your investments are aligned with the market conditions and going in the right direction.  

  1. Transparency: If you sign up for Portfolio management services (PMS) you will receive regular updates and reports on how your portfolio is performing and any changes they made to your portfolio.  

But here’s a catch, we dicussed what PMS is? key features of PMS, but there are certain eligibilities for PMS.  

As per SEBI guidelines, the portfolio manager is required to accept a minimum of INR 50 Lacs or securities having a minimum worth of INR 50 Lacs from a client. 

Which means if you want to go for Portfolio Management services you should the minimum INR 50 lacs.  

This is the major requirement for a person in order to get portfolio management services. 

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