Investing can often seem like a balancing act between diversification and concentration. At SAVART, we believe in striking a harmonious balance to optimize long-term returns. This blog explores the reasons behind SAVART’s strategy of maintaining a concentrated investment portfolio, and how this approach differentiates from traditional, diversified methods.  


Understanding Concentrated Investment: 

A concentrated investment portfolio focuses on a smaller number of stocks, allowing investors to maximize their returns through high-conviction bets. Unlike diversified portfolios that spread investments thinly across numerous stocks, a concentrated portfolio aims to invest more significantly in fewer, thoroughly researched companies.

Maximizing Returns through Focus: 

  1. Deep Insight through Research: Concentrating on fewer stocks allows investors to delve deeply into each company, understanding its business model, market position, and growth potential. This deep insight leads to informed investment decisions. 

  1. Investment Conviction: A concentrated portfolio reflects a higher conviction in each stock choice. At SAVART, every investment aligns with our core investment philosophy, ensuring each stock is a reflection of our best ideas. 

  1. Efficient Resource Utilization: By focusing on fewer stocks, resources are optimally used, enhancing the depth of research and potential returns. 

  1. Tailored Focus on Growth: Concentrating on high-potential companies allows for a targeted approach towards growth and profitability. 

The Perils of Over-Diversification: 

Diversification, while important for risk management, can dilute returns if overdone. Like an overly complex ice cream sundae, a portfolio with too many diverse investments can become a jumbled mess, reducing the impact of high performers on overall returns. 

Warren Buffett’s Philosophy: 

Warren Buffett’s investment strategy epitomizes the concentrated approach. He advocates for investing heavily in a small number of thoroughly researched companies. His willingness to invest a significant portion of his portfolio in a single company stems from his confidence in understanding the business and its future potential. 

Buffett’s Approach: Three Key Principles 

  1. Focus on Best Ideas: Investing in a limited number of companies allows for deep focus on high-potential investments. 

  1. Rigorous Research: A significant investment necessitates thorough research and a deep understanding of a company’s competitive edge. 

  1. Demonstrating Conviction: A substantial investment in a few stocks demonstrates strong conviction in the chosen investment thesis. 

SAVART’s Investment Strategy:

At SAVART, we do not chase after every stock ‘tip’ or trend. Instead, we focus on a select group of companies that we believe have the highest growth potential. 

Why SAVART Avoids Frequent Stock Churning: 

  1. Building Conviction: We invest in stocks only after thorough research and developing a deep understanding of the company. 

  1. Avoiding Erosion of Returns: Frequent trading can lead to reduced returns due to transaction costs and taxes. Our long-term approach minimizes these costs.
  1. Seeking Superior Returns: Our goal is to outperform market benchmarks through a concentrated approach, rather than creating a diversified portfolio that mirrors an index fund.


At SAVART, our focused investment strategy centres on a concentrated portfolio guided by in-depth research and strong conviction. While some favour frequent trading and broad diversification, we prioritize quality over quantity, choosing a select few high-potential stocks. This approach, inspired by successful investors like Warren Buffett, balances risk management with the pursuit of substantial returns. Our commitment to this disciplined, research-intensive strategy aims to unlock the true potential of investments and drive long-term financial success for our clients. 

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