Individual investors engage in stock market activity for a variety of reasons, e.g., long-term gains, short-term gratification, experiencing daily highs/lows, learning, applying intellectual strategies, etc. Their approaches to achieving these objectives can be broadly classified as active or passive in terms of the time spent analyzing the markets and their frequency of transactions. Let’s understand these in detail:

Active Investing 

Active investing is an investment strategy that involves hands-on and active buying/selling of market instruments. Active investors assess a wide range of securities and analyze them for trading, to outperform the broader market indices. Most active investors continuously (e.g., daily, weekly) monitor their investments and short-term market conditions to identify new opportunities and make money out of the market volatility.

Passive Investing 

Passive investors have investments set for the long haul and limit the amount of frequent buying/selling within their portfolios. This strategy requires a buy-and-hold mentality, resisting the temptation to react or anticipate the market’s every next move. This class of investors will create their portfolios with a few years on the horizon and review them for corrections every 3-6 months.

Active Investments Vs Passive Investments – Which investment suits you?

The correct answer to this question is to rely on your investing goals, risk tolerance, and ability to spend time on your portfolios. Three simple questions to help you determine your style: 

1. Do you have the skills to conduct qualitative/quantitative analyses of stocks? 

If you are unable to do this, passive investing is your forte, i.e., investing in individual stocks or mutual funds through a trusted investment advisor is perhaps the best way out. 

2. Can you dedicate an hour or more every week? 

If so, Active investing is your thing. If it is hard to spend that much time on your money, then passive investing is what you can do. 

3. What is your investment horizon?

Passive investing works better in the long term as it reduces the risks during market downturns. Active investing is a short-term process, where rapid portfolio changes and market-specific investments can fetch greater returns if timed properly.

Savart provides customized advice for high-quality stocks and mutual funds to individual investors.